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FSC Services include:

Relationship or Family Counseling

All families have conflict. It's the nature of people living in close proximity. But when normal conflicts turn into daily shouting matches, family members begin hurting each other emotionally (and sometimes physically) and a feeling of anger permeates the household, it's time to do something about it. Blended families in which one or both parents bring to the marriage children from previous relationships present their own unique dynamics. Let's face it. It isn't always the Brady Bunch. But there is help.
Sometimes the conflict is caused by the inappropriate or unacceptable behavior of one or more members of the family. But it affects everyone. While we work with those individuals to try to help them with the cause of their actions, we also work with the entire family so they can provide support for that person and for each other, and to learn how to reduce the conflict.

Families can be thought of as a system of interacting parts. We learn how to think, feel and behave from the families in which we grew up. When these beliefs are not challenged and/or changed, we pass on that legacy to our children and their families.

Relationship or family counseling may be particularly useful for:

Individual Counseling

Everyone experiences problems in the course of growth and development. Some problems pass with time; some can be resolved with personal creative problem solving; some can be resolved by consulting with family, friends, or other resources. Sometimes problems persist in spite of all attempts to resolve them; sometimes they are just too numerous, too acute, and too big to manage without additional support. At these times counseling services can provide assistance in rebuilding problem solving resources and options.

Individual counseling might be particularly useful for:

Mediation Services

Marriages, business partnerships and corporations do break up. Skilled psychologists/mediators have saved parties millions of dollars in damages, legal costs and court costs by diverting the process away from the traditional court barrister's adversarial methods and building instead a goal-oriented spirit and discussion framework for cooperative issue structuring, management and resolution. With adept mediation, key issues can be resolved and finality reached early in the process at a nominal cost. Please do call us for a free consultation to discuss the viability of this adjunct to your legal processes.


Internet Appointment Booking Form

Click here to open the form

All services in Barrie, Simcoe County and area are by appointment between 9:30am and 9:00pm. Emergency services are available. (705) 733-7544

Form-Mailer Copyright © 1994-2001 MPRM Group Limited. All rights reserved. Revised: February 08, 2002.

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Caring and Sharing

Director: Micheal J. O'Brien B.A. Psychology, Child & Youth Counsellor, SJA First Aid Rescuer, Level "C" CPR, Prevention & Management of Aggressive Behaviour training, Anger Management Facilitator


Behaviour Therapy: psychotherapy that emphasizes the application of the principles of learning to substitute desirable responses and behavior patterns for undesirable ones -- also referred to as behavior modification therapy.

Counseling: professional guidance of the individual utilizing psychological methods especially in collecting case history data, using various techniques of the personal interview, and testing interests and aptitudes.

Group Therapy: therapy in the presence of a therapist in which several patients discuss and share their personal problems.

Primal Therapy: psychotherapy in which the patient recalls and reenacts a particularly disturbing past experience usually occurring early in life and expresses normally repressed anger or frustration especially through spontaneous and unrestrained screams, hysteria, or physical expression.

Play Therapy: psychotherapy in which a child is encouraged to reveal feelings and conflicts in play rather than by verbalization

Psychotherapy: treatment of mental or emotional disorder or of related bodily ills by psychological means.

Therapy: therapeutic treatment especially of bodily, mental, or behavioral disorder.

A few ideas to think about.

1) Take into accountthat great love and great achievements involve great risk.

2) When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

3) Follow the three "R"s: *Respect for self; *Respect for others and *Responsibility for all your actions.

4) Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

5) Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

6) Don't let a little dispute a great friendship

7) When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it

8) Spent some time alone every day.

9) Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.

10) Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer

11) Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you"ll be able to enjoy it a second time.

12) A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for you life.

13) In disagreements with loved, one, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past.

14) Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.

15) Be gentle with the earth.

16) Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.

17) Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.

18) Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

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